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Tipi Blog Updates

Centuries of Service Award

  2015 has brought many new changes, and one of the them is the appearance of a patch on the sash of Arrowmen within our Lodge. This patch is none other the Centuries of Service Award, or the Arrowman Service Award, which has come into play as a part of the...

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New Late Fee for 2016

Save money by registering early through our online registration process for upcoming Lodge events! A new late fee penalty of $10 will be instituted in 2016 if you register within 7 days of any Lodge event; this is an increase of $5 from previous years. We hope this...

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What’s up Ilau Machque!

Ilau Machque has been busy. We recently held chapter elections and our new chapter Executive Committee is looking sharp! We also started holding troop elections for new Brothers. During Fall Fellowship, we finished up the new wheelchair ramp at Sassafras campsite. To...

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Carolina Indian Seminar

December 2015 Interested in American Indian Affairs? Want to learn more but don’t know how? Come out to Carolina Indian Seminar (CIS) and you’re sure to have a blast! Each year, Eswau Huppeday, Lodge 560, hosts the annual Order of the Arrow Carolina Indian Seminar. It...

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Tipi November | Reflecting in Autumn Waters

Written by Brandon Kelly The Meaning of Fall Fellowship for One Arrowman Do you ever get the feeling that you are in over your head? Like when you go to a swimming pool and think, “I’ll just go over to the deep end,” and you do, but then you start struggling to float....

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Tipi November | Chief’s Corner

The Centennial Year is now coming to a close and what an amazing year it has been. There have been numerous celebrations across the nation including NOAC and Arrowtour. We have learned a lot from things in the past, but it is now time to look into the future. 2016 is...

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Tipi November | Advisers Minute

As we close out the 2015 calendar year, we have the opportunity to reflect on the outstanding accomplishments by the Occoneechee Lodge under the leadership of our outgoing officers . Over 500 new members were inducted into our Order, 207 members converted to...

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Lodge Leadership visits Skyuka Lodge

Written by Nicholas Anderson Our Lodge leadership visits other Lodges every so often to help improve our own program. It’s one of the best parts about being a Lodge leader. It’s a great learning experience and many parts of our program have been adapted from other...

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Fall Gathering in Review

Low Temps yet High Spirit Temperatures may have been low, but the fire of cheerfulness kept all of us warm as we experienced Fall Gathering. People from all the chapters of our lodge came together for a great time. From American Indian Affairs to a banquet filled with...

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