Wearing the Occoneechee Lodge flap is a sign of active membership in the Order and an indication to others of your Obligation to cheerfully serve your fellow scouts. If you have not paid your Lodge dues this year, please use the button below so you can be counted in the Lodge roster. We look forward to seeing you at the next event.

Are you signing up for your Induction? Your annual dues payment is already included in your Induction fee and you do not pay until January 1 of the next year.
Note for “Lifetime Membership”: Please note that the Occoneechee Lodge honors those who have previously purchased lifetime dues membership which is not recognized by OA National and thus is not transferable to other Lodges. In order to maintain this status, you must also be registered as a member of the Boy Scouts of America and active at the Unit, District or Council Level. Failing to recharter in some position every year will cause your “Lifetime” status to lapse and your name to be removed from the Active membership of the Lodge until such time you re-register with the Boy Scouts of America. Occoneechee Lodge no longer sells lifetime memberships.