
Q: What is Conclave?
A:The section conclave is an annual activity (prior to 1972 known as an Area OA Conference) involving three or more lodges in an established geographic area. Each conclave is led by section youth officers elected from among the member lodges at the previous year’s conclave, and the event itself is prepared in cooperation with various other lodge officers, and with one lodge serving as the “host lodge”.The E8 Conclave is a gathering of over 1000 Arrowmen that occurs once a year in April at a Scout Camp in our Section. In short, it’s a great weekend of fun, training, and fellowship!

Q: Where is Conclave this year?
A: Conclave is being held at Camp Cherokee in 2025

Q: When is Conclave?
A: Conclave is being held April 11th-13th, 2025 –  REGISTER BY APRIL 1, 2025!

Q: Who should go to Conclave?
A:Every OA member in Section E8 is welcome to attend. We want adults and youth to come — there are activities for everyone!

Q: How much is Conclave?
A: Conclave is $60. This is a bit more expensive than our lodge events but it’s a larger event. The way pricing works is that the section keeps $50 for program expenses and the lodge keeps $10 to spend on the delegate packet.

Q: What’s in our delegate packet?
A: You’ll have to wait and see for this year. The packet usually includes a couple patches, a bag, novelty items, a schedule, and a special theme item.

Q: What’s our Lodge theme for 2025?
A: Our theme for the 2025 Conclave is Minions of Mischief, based on the Despicable Me / Minions movie series. 

Q: Does Lodge 104 have registration incentives?
A: Yes! The Incentives are: 

50 registered- Trevor will turn into a Dinosaur for a Lodge Event.

104 registered- Random Lodge member who registers for Conclave will get Lodge Officer face socks

125 registered- Lodge Officers become Minions at Conclave 

175 registered- Random member registered for Conclave gets to be a Lodge Officer for a day at an event

250 registered- Lodge Officers dye their hair

300 registered- Gabriel, Luke, Sandman, Trevor, and Robert get mullets and must keep them until Conclave.


Q: Why should I attend Conclave?
A: Conclave is the biggest and best event of the lodge year! Conclave is a full weekend of events such as the OAXperience, fantastic training opportunities, competitions, Section Elections, Ceremony Competitions, Patch Trading, Nightly Shows, the always anticipated Quest for the Golden Arrow, Lodge Cook-Off competitions, the Spirit Award Competition…as you can see the list keeps going on and on.On top of all this, you’ll get to hang out with your friends and meet other brothers from all over our Section. E8 has one of the largest Conclaves in the country each year.

Q: What do I need to bring to Conclave?
A: Be sure to bring a tent, sleeping bag, insect repellent, money (for the trading post), patches (for trading), rain gear, flashlight, your full uniform and sash, and anything else that might make your stay more comfortable. Be prepared to have an awesome weekend!  Food and fun are provided in abundance.

Q: What if I have a food allergy?
A: The host lodge is unable to supply food to fit specific diets. If you or your child has a food allergy. Bring your own food!

Q: Are there any important documents I need to bring?
A: If so, they’ll be listed below:

Q: How and where do I register?
A: As we’ve discussed above, Conclave is not a lodge run event and therefore has a different registration process from regular lodge events. You won’t be able to register for Conclave through our website and will need to register through the Section website. To register for Conclave, please click the blue button below.  **REGISTER BY APRIL 1ST**

Q: Is there any kind of registration goal or contest set by the Lodge?
A: The Lodge does have an annual registration goal set by the Section that we hope to achieve. This year, Occoneechee Lodge has a goal of 300 members! Additionally, the Lodge will set incentives for our members to reach this goal. These incentives are found above!

Want to attend?

Page last updated: Mar 3, 2025 @ 11:50 pm