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Tipi Blog Updates

Canned Food Donations for Conclave

Do you want to have the best seats at the Saturday night show of Conclave? We do. Bring all the canned food your arms (or car) can carry. The Lodge that brings the most cans to Conclave will get the best seats, located right in front of the stage. All canned foods are...

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Chief’s Message | Conclave Spirit

Brothers, As Conclave gets closer and closer, I keep getting more and more excited! We are now less than 18 days away! Registration is still open, but if you have yet to register, please do so soon. Once the Section reaches 1500 people, registration will cut off due...

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Brotherhood Service Project

Calling all brotherhood candidates! If you're going for your brotherhood at Pow-Wow, we'll be offering a brotherhood service project at 9:00 AM Saturday morning. Please meet at the flagpoles outside the Grand Lodge. This activity is optional but highly recommended.

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Chapter Tables

Beginning at Pow-Wow, chapters will be assigned tables marked with a table sign. Each chapter is responsible for decorating and cleanliness of these tables. Chapter members are not required to sit at these tables, but are responsible for the cleanliness of them. We...

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You Could be in a Different Campsite!

Some campsites are undergoing construction in preparation for Summer Camp. Please be aware of these changes before arriving. Chapter campsite locations are listed below: Ilau Machque • Long Leaf Netapolis • Red Cedar/Holly Kiowa • Maple Netami • Red Oak/Poplar Eluwak...

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Cook Crew Representatives

As part of the Chapter Roth award, each chapter needs to supply the Cook Crew with two volunteers for Spring Pow-Wow. All volunteers will need to meet outside the Grand Lodge Kitchen at 8:15 PM Friday evening. Volunteers can be youth or adult, however we prefer youth....

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Do You Want to Pie the Lodge Officers in the Face?

Do you remember the last time Lodge Officers received a pie to the face? No? That's okay, we can tell you the next time our Lodge Officers will receive pie to the face: Spring Pow-Wow! The Lodge Officers are challenging you! If you and the other Arrowman of the Lodge...

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A Scout is Reverent: 12th Point Committee

Reverent. It’s the last point of the Scout Law, but it is one of the most important points. Scouts of many different faith backgrounds come together at the Scout’s Own Service, held at the Lakeside Chapel every Sunday during Lodge events. Before the packing of bags,...

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Unit Elections Have Begun

Winter: the time when students pray for school cancellations and you have the opportunity to wear the turtleneck sweater your grandmother gave you. However, winter is also the time that Arrowmen across the nation begin to conduct elections as the first step for...

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