Proposed Event Schedule Change

Proposed Event Schedule Change

Over these past months, the lodge leadership has discussed and is proposing a significant schedule change for future events. Specifically, the change would be to adjust the time of Ordeal ceremony to immediately after candidates finish their service...

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2018 Red Arrow Awards

2018 Red Arrow Awards

The Red Arrow Award is presented by the National Order of the Arrow Committee for distinguished service to the Order by either non-Scouters or Scouters who are not members of the Order. This distinguished service may take many forms and involves a significant period...

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2020 OA Service Grant Recipients

2020 OA Service Grant Recipients

Since 1999, the National OA Committee has annually selected lodges from each region to receive matching service grants.  In 2020, four lodges in councils across the nation were chosen to receive a combined total of $10,900 in matching grants via the OA Service Grant...

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