Bring Canned Food to Pow-Wow

Bring Canned Food to Pow-Wow

Do you want to have the best seats at the Saturday night show of Conclave? We do. Bring all the canned food your arms (or car) can carry to Spring Pow-Wow. The Lodge that brings the most cans will get the best seats at Conclave, located right in front of the stage....

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Brotherhood Trail at Spring Pow-Wow

Brotherhood Trail at Spring Pow-Wow

An opportunity for you to seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow is upon you. Spring Pow-Wow will be on March 17th - 19th 2017, at Camp Durant. The Brotherhood Trail will be available to you there on Saturday. The Brotherhood Trail is NOT like an ordeal...

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2017 Congratulatory Eagle Scout Letter

2017 Congratulatory Eagle Scout Letter

The 2017 editions of the Eagle Scout congratulatory letters are now available from the national chief and vice chief. There is also a new edition available from the national chairman. These recognition letters are a great addition to any Eagle Scout's court of honor....

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Be an Elangomat at Fall Fellowship

Be an Elangomat at Fall Fellowship

Will you answer the call? Do you remember your Elangomat? An elangomat is your guide through the Ordeal process and it's their responsibility to lead you in cheerful service. We want every candidate to have a memorable experience at Fall Fellowship. This is the last...

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Philmont Contingent NOAC Participation Opportunity

Philmont Contingent NOAC Participation Opportunity

With the recent announcement of the closure of Philmont Scout Ranch for the 2018 season, summer plans for a large number of Scouts and specifically Arrowmen have been impacted. Due to this unprecedented and unfortunate event, the National Order of the Arrow Conference...

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