
Thank you so much for electing me as your 2017 Occoneechee Lodge Chief! I am extremely excited to work with everyone and to see what we accomplish. It’s been my pleasure serving as your VC of Program for the past two years, and I look forward to making this next step in my scouting journey.

It’s hard to believe I’ve made it this far. It feels like only yesterday it was the spring of 2010 and I was in my sleeping bag laying under the stars at Camp Durant going through my Ordeal. I was so nervous and had no idea what to expect the next day. I’ve grown a lot since then. I’m a better leader and I know I have what it takes to lead this lodge, and I owe all of this to the people who have helped me along the way.

My advisers have played a big part in my development. From being a Chapter Chief to a Lodge Vice Chief, and now to Lodge Chief, I owe it all to them. Without their guidance, I would not be where I am today. I am telling you this so you know how much the other people in your life can mean to you, both in and out of scouting. It’s important to rely on our peers for support in order to be successful. Please know this as we move forward in 2017!

I am extremely excited to see what we accomplish in 2017. I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions, and I look forward to working with all of you. Once again thank you for electing my as your Lodge Chief, and have a Happy New Year!


Stephen Nuttall
2017 Lodge Chief

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