Remember in 2014 when our Lodge Leadership had an all out taco brawl? No? It was because they met a goal for Conclave registration by Pow-Wow.

We’re doing something similar this year. Rather than a taco brawl, we’re doing a banana brawl! Everything banana you can think of, we’re going to throw at each other. The catch is that our lodge as to reach 250 participants registered for Conclave by Saturday at noon of Spring Pow-Wow. You can keep an eye on that number by checking the percentage bar on the side of every page. Once that bar reaches 53%, we’ve gotten to 250 participants.

If you really want to challenge each other, the lodge officers have agreed to shave their heads. Again, we have another catch. The Lodge has to make it to 350 participants registered for Conclave by Saturday at noon of Spring Pow-Wow. On the percentage bar, that would be 74%.

Make some noise on social media and talk up Conclave to your unit and your chapter! We can reach both goals if you make it happen!