Apples…No, Oranges….No, Bananas? YES, Bananas! Go bananas, go go bananas!
Yes, per the vote at Fall Fellowship the 2017 Conclave theme for Occoneechee Lodge is none other than Bananas! Don’t go ape yet, but make sure to start preparing for the event by taking note of banana behavior in your local supermarket, listening to the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song more times than human possibly, and most importantly, slip on a banana every now and then before April. (Note: The Tipi Committee is not responsible for any banana related injuries that may have occurred as a result of reading this article.) But in all silliness, it would be beneficial to go ahead see if you can buy a banana suit, banana earrings, and other banana related items, along with thinking of ideas for cheers and activities we can do to win the spirit stick at Conclave! We hope to see all Thunderbirds attending the 2017 Conclave at Camp Raven Knob going bananas!
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