(left to right) David Crowley, Owen Clapp, Nick Long Jr., Glyn Tomkins, Christopher Radcliffe, Nicholas Anderson, Colin Moore, Gary Deuger, Patrick Koenig, Kirk Johnson, Charlie Allen, Dylan Skiscim, Whit Badgett, Roger Rea, Karen Hasset, Thomas Beach
Congratulations to the 2016 Vigil Class of Occoneechee Lodge. It is with great pleasure that I congratulate this class of 16 men and women for their elevation to this level and thank them for the wonderful service they have done and will continue to do. Each of these members was nominated by their fellow brothers and elected by vigil members. The start of the vigil nomination season is just around the corner and I implore you to consider who else is now deserving of this great honor. Once again, congratulations to the Vigil Class of 2016.
Stephen Nuttall
2017 Lodge Chief