CAMP TUSCARORA – A good time was had by all April 17-19 at the 2009 SR-7B Conclave. As a lodge we received numerous first and second place finishes in individual dance and Pre-ordeal ceremony competitions. A special congratulations to our Brotherhood team, Drum/singing team, cooking competition team, and our iron man team for receiving first place in their respective competitions. Also, congratulations to Nick Oschner and Kevin Biegert for winning their section officer elections.
The positive spirit we showed all weekend was unmatched, especially during the quest events (the cheers for the pancake team were hilarious).
The big news is that Occoneechee Lodge won the most prestigious award this weekend… HONOR LODGE for section 7B. It has been over ten years since we last won this award and it is a tribute to everything that the entire Lodge has achieved throughout the year. This award signifies that our fellow lodges in SR-7B consider us to be the best lodge in the section for 2009 and is a testament to the dedication of our members.