Fall Fellowship Updates and Information

Fall Fellowship Updates and Information

Registration for Fall Fellowship is now closed. Walk-ups will be turned away with no exceptions.  Please read the September 5th update if you have already registered.Important LinksHealth Screening All participants must begin screening their health 14 days prior to...

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Introducing the OA Alliance

Introducing the OA Alliance

Introducing the OA Alliance nick.prins Tue, 09/28/2021 - 23:01 Dear Lodge Chiefs and Lodge Advisers, The arrow - launched into the evening sky during our Ordeal weekend - moves ever onward and upward. Its motion encourages members to preserve a cheerful spirit...

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Yerba Buena Lodge Tri-merger

Yerba Buena Lodge Tri-merger

Yerba Buena Lodge Tri-merger nick.prins Tue, 09/28/2021 - 22:55 The first merger of lodges took place in 1924, when Unami Lodge 1 and Unalachtigo Lodge 8, both of the then-Philadelphia Council, merged together. Since then, there have been hundreds of mergers between...

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