Brotherhood Service Project

Brotherhood Service Project

Calling all brotherhood candidates! If you're going for your brotherhood at Pow-Wow, we'll be offering a brotherhood service project at 9:00 AM Saturday morning. Please meet at the flagpoles outside the Grand Lodge. This activity is optional but highly recommended.

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Chapter Tables

Chapter Tables

Beginning at Pow-Wow, chapters will be assigned tables marked with a table sign. Each chapter is responsible for decorating and cleanliness of these tables. Chapter members are not required to sit at these tables, but are responsible for the cleanliness of them. We...

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You Could be in a Different Campsite!

You Could be in a Different Campsite!

Some campsites are undergoing construction in preparation for Summer Camp. Please be aware of these changes before arriving. Chapter campsite locations are listed below: Ilau Machque • Long Leaf Netapolis • Red Cedar/Holly Kiowa • Maple Netami • Red Oak/Poplar Eluwak...

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2017 Vigil Class

2017 Vigil Class

(left to right) (front row) John Sommer, Corey Rodgers, Michael Glennon, Tina Deagan, Michelle Rivero, Brian Lehrschall, Joseph Rogers Sr., Drake Sandman, Joseph Rogers Jr., Sam DeShong, Blake Leone (back row) Richard Cravener III, Joseph Cimadamore...

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BSA Membership Update

BSA Membership Update

Today (October 11th, 2017) the National BSA Board of Directors unanimously voted to approve the introduction of females into the scouting program. Starting next year in 2018. Families will have the ability to sign up both their sons and daughters for the Cub Scout...

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