Big Wins for Ceremonies

Big Wins for Ceremonies

At the SR-7B conclave at Camp Raven Knob, teams from Occoneechee Lodge competed and placed first in both the Pre-Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremony competitions. In all, our lodge’s ceremonialists took seven of the ten first-place awards along with three second place...

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Be an Elangomat at Spring Inductions

Be an Elangomat at Spring Inductions

Will you answer the call? Do you remember your Elangomat? An elangomat is your guide through the Ordeal process and it's their responsibility to lead you in cheerful service. We want every candidate to have a memorable experience at Spring Inductions. This is the...

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2017 Josh Sain Memorial Scholarship recipients

2017 Josh Sain Memorial Scholarship recipients

The National Order of the Arrow Committee is pleased to announce the selection of the 2017 recipients of the Josh Sain Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship was established in 1998 to honor the spirit and memory of Josh Sain, a former national vice chief. The...

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2018 Red Arrow Awards

2018 Red Arrow Awards

The Red Arrow Award is presented by the National Order of the Arrow Committee for distinguished service to the Order by either non-Scouters or Scouters who are not members of the Order. This distinguished service may take many forms and involves a significant period...

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2018 Distinguished Service Award Recipients

2018 Distinguished Service Award Recipients

The Order of the Arrow created the Distinguished Service Award in 1940 in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Order. Its purpose is to recognize and honor those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a section, area,...

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