Help your chapter win the Golden Ticket by registering for Conclave before New Year’s Eve!
What is the Golden Ticket?
It means eating first at all Saturday meals during Spring Pow-Wow. No lines and no hassle to grab your food during our next big event.
How does my chapter compete?
It’s simple. The winning chapter is based on the total percentage of your members registered for Conclave by New Year’s Eve.
How can I help my chapter win?
All you need to do is register for Conclave. Remember to register early because only the first 200 youth will receive a banana suit.
What are the rules?
As we explained above, the winner is determined by the total percentage of your members that are registered for Conclave by New Year’s Eve. We define New Year’s Eve as December 31st at 11:59 pm. The prize is limited to meals served on March 18th, 2017. All registrations for the 2017 Conclave prior to the start of this contest are included in the percentage counting. Any registration refunds will decrease percentage numbers. Free banana suits are limited to the first 200 youth that register.
Am I already registered?
That’s a great question because we don’t want you to accidently register twice. You can check to see if you’re on the list here:
Chapter Standings
Chapter standings are no longer available as the contest has ended. The winner will be announced at the January EC Meeting.
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