The month of May is summer camp prep time and time for more new Ordeal Members! Join us at Camp Durant for an awesome weekend!

When: Always the 3rd weekend! May 16-18th, 2025
Where: Camp Durant
Cost: Current members pay the event fee of $25.00 when you pre-register at least a week in advance, plus any annual dues that have not been paid. The cost at the door or less than a weeks notice is $35.00 plus any annual dues that haven’t been paid. This covers your meals, program activities, and event patch.
Important:  Per Scouting America National Policy: All members attending events will be required to bring Scouting America Medical Forms Parts A & B only. We do not need part C or an immunization record. The Scouting America Medical forms will be collected upon checking into the event and will not be returned. These forms will be destroyed at the end of the event, meaning you will not receive it back. We cannot accept electronic versions of the form, it must be a printed, physical copy. If you forget your form you may purchase one upon checking in for $1.

What is there to do?

  • The Ordeal
  • Fun and fellowship
  • Patch Trading
  • Service Projects
  • Thunderfest