Countdown to the Lodge Workday
Missing out on the Fellowship that Scouting brings? The Lodge is hosting a Workday at Camp Durant to prepare for the Enhanced Troop Campouts this summer. It’ll be a great way to give back to Camp Durant, earn service hours, and meet your fellow Arrowmen who you haven’t seen in a while. lunch will be provided to all those who registered before the deadline.
The Details:
Who: All Arrowmen
What: Service projects like setting up the new waterfront, cleaning up campsites, preparing program areas, clearing out brush across the camp and much more
Where: Camp Durant
When: Saturday, June 27th, 2020, 9 am to 4 pm
Why: To help get Camp Durant back up to excellent condition for future events. This Workday will allow us to fulfill our duties of service to our camp, earn service hours, and meet our fellow Arrowmen
Cost: The workday will cost $5 and includes lunch. Registration ends June 23rd at midnight.
COVID-19 Safety Plan
As we get closer to the morning of June 27th, the lodge leadership will continue to monitor the status of COVID-19 and the guidelines of the governor of NC and Boy Scouts of America. We are expecting a few changes compared to past Workdays to help keep our Scouts and Scouters safe. Changes include:
Parking will be set at separate sections of Camp
Tools will be delivered to work teams at the start of the workday
Work teams will be made up of no more than 25 Arrowmen
Boxed lunches will be distributed to work teams at their project locations
Participants will return Tools to Quartermaster at staggered times at the end of the workday
So come get out of the house, help us improve Camp Durant, and enjoy some fellowship with your friends! We hope to see you there!
Registration for the workday is now closed. Those who did not get a chance to register can still attend. Please bring your own lunch and check-in as normal. You will not be charged the $5 for the workday.