Written by Owen Clapp

The feeling of sand between your toes or the crunch of dirt beneath your boots…there are many great ways to spend this summer. Many Arrowmen are taking advantage of the fantastic opportunity available through Operation Arrow. Operation Arrow is the premier staffing organization for Arrowmen at the 2017 National Jamboree. It is comprised of three main staffing groups for youth and two groups for adults. Youth opportunities include Service Corps, Trek Guides, and OA Indian Village. In each area, youth use their leadership skills and other interests to help serve fellow Scouts. Aerial Sports and Health Service groups are available for interested adult Arrowmen.

The Service Corps will help present and carry out the events scheduled during the Jamboree and members will serve as the grounds workers throughout the event. Arrowmen in the Trek Guides group will use their leadership skills to help lead groups of Scouts around the Jamboree to various programs and help orient participants so they can have the best possible time during Jamboree. The OA Indian Village allows Arrowmen to connect with others who might be interested in AIA activities, such as dancing, singing, and Native American crafts, and gives them the opportunity to express their enjoyment by participating in various demonstrations and crafting stations. The Order is strongly encouraging anyone interested to get involved this summer with Operation Arrow. If you see someone walking around in our lodge with a blue Operation Arrow t-shirt, feel free to ask them about it and check out this website: http://event.oa-bsa.org/events/jambo2017/ for more details. We hope to see many Thunderbirds out there on staff!

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