Written by Gray Barnhill
The 2015-2016 Lodge year is already off to a good start! Our Lodge Executive Committee made a few changes this past month to help us grow as a whole. It was decided that for the 2015-2016 year, our Lodge will only hold two Ordeals. These two Ordeal experiences will be held during Spring Inductions and Fall Fellowship. Our Spring Pow-Wow will be an exciting time to prepare for Conclave and the upcoming Ordeal weekends. In addition, we have removed Fall Gathering from the calendar and replaced it with Winter Banquet. This event will be held on a Saturday evening during December at a centralized location convenient to the Chapters.
George Bernard Shaw said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” These two new changes will push us forward into the next century of our order! I hope to see you all at Spring Pow-Wow in March and don’t forget to register for Conclave at conclaveregistration.org/.