An opportunity for you to seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow is upon you. Fall Fellowship will be on September 15th – 17th 2017, at Camp Durant. The Brotherhood Trail will be available to you there on Saturday. The Brotherhood Trail is NOT like an ordeal weekend. It is simply a series of verbal questions about the OA. If you answer correctly you advance along the trail to the next question until you reach the end. Should you pass, you will meet Allowat Sakima and the other principles again in the Brotherhood Ceremony on Saturday night, where you will receive a new sash and new flap signifying your Brotherhood status in the OA.
Some brief details about Brotherhood membership can be found on the Brotherhood page.
There will be a brief meeting for Brotherhood candidates on Friday night at Fall Fellowship, where you will receive a study guide and information about where and when to report to the Brotherhood Trail on Saturday.
If I might offer you some personal advice, do the Brotherhood Trail and attain Brotherhood membership status. Trust me, you’ll be glad that you did. If you don’t know the Obligation from memory from reciting it at chapter meetings, start studying it now. Read it, say it out loud, and write it until you know it by heart. On the Brotherhood Trail, you will be allowed opportunities to step off and study if you stumble at a question. But unless you are a savant with photographic memory you will not be able to learn the entire Obligation by stepping off the trail for a few minutes, especially if you don’t have a decent grasp of it before you get onto the trail. I hope you take this as an opportunity to learn more about the order you joined.
Join us for the weekend of September 15th thru 17th 2017, and seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow.