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Congratulations, you have officially completed your ordeal and are now a brother of Occoneechee Lodge. This is a big step in your Scouting career and it is a great honor. I strongly encourage you to stay active and join in the fun of the Order! On behalf of the entire lodge, I would like to thank you for your service.

Now that you are in the order, it is important for you to understand what it means. The Order of the Arrow is the National Honor Society of Scouting and you have been chosen by your peers to be a part of it. This means that your peers believe that you are a great leader and that you will continue to be a great leader in the future. Occoneechee Lodge holds four different weekend events every year, Section SR-7B holds one big event every year, and the National OA holds one big gathering of brothers every three years. Being a part of the Order is a big deal and it is a lot of fun to be a part of.

You have already completed the first step to being a part of the Order. The next step is for you to attend a local chapter meeting to find out what is coming soon. Where your meeting is held can be found in the New Member Booklet located below or on our website. Our website also has other information including news, a place to register for an event, and an online trading post to purchase some lodge memorabilia. The lodge website is your main place to find updates about what is upcoming in the lodge, but you can also find information on various social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as information being emailed specifically to you, just like this letter!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at chief@lodge104.net. I can’t wait to see you at the next event!

Gray Barhill
Lodge Chief

New Member Booklet  First Year Arrowman Award

Membership Card and Event Registration
